Allen, Robert J., ed. Selections from The Tatler and The Spectator. Fort Worth: Holt Reinhart and Winston, 1970.
Cicero, Marcus Tullius or Tully, (106-43 BC).
Roman orator, philosopher, and politician.
Cited or alluded to in Spectator No. 104 (June 29, 1711).
Further reading: Columbia Encyclopedia
Honeycomb, William.
A member of Mr. Spectator's club; an aging beau. "But that our Society may not appear a Set of Humourists unacquainted with the Gallantries and Pleasantries of the Age, we have among us the gallant WILL. HONEYCOMB, a Gentleman who according to his Years should be in the Decline of his Life, but having ever been careful of his Person, and always had a very easie Fortune, Time has made but very little Impression, either by Wrinkles on his Forehead, or Traces in his Brain." From Spectator No. 2
Mentioned in Spectator No. 105 (June 30, 1711).
Horace(Quintus Horatius Flaccus), (65–8 B.C.). Roman poet.
Cited or alluded to in Spectator Nos. 99, 100, 101, 103, and 106.
Further reading: Columbia Encyclopedia.
Morley, Henry (1822-1894). Professor of English Literature, University College, London. Editor of the 1891 edition of the Spectator that, courtesy of Project Gutenberg, serves as the text of this site.
Further reading: Russell Potter's Henry Morely website.
Smith, Gregory, ed. The Spectator (Everyman's Library Edition: 1907). Four volumes. London: Dent, 1970.
Terence (Publius Terentius Afer) (c.185 or c.195-c.159 B.C.).
Roman comic playwright.
Cited or alluded to in Spectator No. 105 (June 30, 1711).
Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro) (70-19 B.C.).
Roman poet.
Cited or alluded to in Spectator Nos. 104 (June 29, 1711), 113 (July 10, 1711).
Further reading: Columbia Encyclopedia